Sunday, February 20, 2011

Health in News.

                                                      Teenage suicide due to bullying.

Source: Internet (wikipedia)
Date: October 17, 2006.

Summary of the issue:
                              Megan meier was an AMERICAN. She committed suicide just a week before her 14th birthday. Meier was a girl who loved to her family, She also loved to hang around with friends. From her 3rd grade, Meier was under the care of a psychiatrist. She has been diagnosed attention deficit disorder and depression. Meier's bulling took place through an e - mail account. The account through which the bullying of Meier took place belonged to a 16 year old male named "Josh Evans".  Soon after Meier created the "My Space", she started to receive mails from "Josh". Soon Meier and Josh became friends. On October 15, 2006, the tone of the message changed. Josh said (via account) " I don't know if I want to be friends with you any more because I heard that you are not very nice to your friends". Similar messages were received for few days.  The last message send to Meier through Josh's account read "Every body in O'Fallon know who you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a bad rest of your life. the world would be a better place without you". Meier replied "You are the kind of boy a girl would kill herself over". 20 minutes later Meier was found in her bed room closet. She had hung herself. Despite efforts of reviving her she was pronounced dead the next day. Later it was identified that the account through which the bullying of Meier took place actually belonged to her neighbor,"Drew" and that she used the account to know more about Meier and humiliate her in retribution of her allegedly spreading gossip of Drew's daughter who was a former friend of Meier.

Big meaning:

                    Meier was a girl who really loved her friends. When she received messages telling her that she was not a very nice person to be with, she got stressed and depressed. Moreover Meier was a girl who has already been under the care of a Psychiatrist from her third grade and she already suffers with depression. This bullying really added to her previous depression and she became more and more depressed. This made her scared, when she thought of losing all her friends and being left alone. Her depression was to a very great extent that she decided to suicide. 

Personal meaning:

                           This incident reminds me of many students who commit suicide due to bullying. When people are stressed they try to find some way out and they tend to choose the path of suicide. I have also come across people who suicide as they did not do they test/exam well. I wish that the people realise that suicide is not going to help them get back their lost fame or possession, they are only going to lose it forever. If they stayed alive they could at least earn it back later in life by doing something else  The bullying of Meier was from her neighbor and I really don't understand why people do this and cause the death of many teenagers!!!!. Although Meier had spread gossip about Drew's daughter, I think Drew should have forgiven her and not played this game which caused Meier her life.